Our Employee Requirements
Our Elements Accounting, Inc. team is why your financial staircase is safe. We’re proud of our highly trained professional accountants and each is integral to both your and our success. Everyone of them is credentialed, has passed a rigorous interviewing process as well as QuickBooks testing and been subject to an extensive background check. All Elements Accounting, Inc. staff sign a legally binding Non-Disclosure Agreement prior to employment beginning.
Each member of our team is a full-time accounting professional who prefers the diversity of working with multiple clients as opposed to working within a single business venue. Each brings not only financial acumen to your account but operational, managerial and technological expertise as well.
When your financial integrity and security is managed by dedicated professionals who love what they do and feel an equal loyalty to their clients as to their employing company – you know you’re in good hands. This type of talent is available and affordable due to the virtual and outsourcing structure of Elements Accounting, Inc. Can you afford another person on the payroll? Perhaps - but when hiring Elements Accounting, Inc. costs a fraction of a full time employee – your money is better spent growing your business!